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Articles tagged as "emerging markets"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Where investors fear to fish

By Rory Kutisker-Jacobson on 05 Feb 2025

Reading time: 15 mins

High domestic inflation. Volatile currencies. Foreign languages. Domestic insider advantages. Different cultural, legal and governance practices. Unpredictab...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Currency dynamics and returns in emerging and frontier markets

By Rami Hajjar on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 16 mins

Rami Hajjar considers currency dynamics in emerging and frontier markets, focusing on how currency impacts returns, and how we think about this factor when...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Africa market bond exposure: Understanding the risks and opportunities

By Londa Nxumalo on 11 Oct 2021

Reading time: 11 mins

Is it worth taking on a bit more risk to achieve potential return? Londa Nxumalo explains the relationship between risk and return in the fixed income contex...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

South African investors need to fall out of love with equities

By Kevin Lings on 30 Jul 2019

Reading time: 6 mins

South Africa’s equity market capitalisation equates to more than 200% of the country’s GDP, the highest proportion in the world and a level that is simply no...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Global economy losing momentum

By Sandy McGregor on 18 Jan 2019

Reading time: 3 mins

After two years of strong synchronous growth the global economy is losing momentum. Almost without exception the most recent purchasing manager’s indices are...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

A volatile quarter for emerging market equity and currency markets

By Duncan Artus on 12 Oct 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

Emerging market equity and currency markets had a very volatile quarter. Vulnerabilities, both economic and political, are being exposed as global financial...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Global growth accelerates but emerging markets under pressure

By Sandy McGregor on 05 Oct 2018

Reading time: 3 mins

Following a slower first quarter, the rate of global economic growth accelerated during the Northern Hemisphere summer, with Europe being the only notable...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Emerging market equities: looking beyond the mega-caps

By Woojin Choi on 24 Oct 2017

Reading time: 7 mins

Our offshore partner Orbis launched an Emerging Markets Equity Strategy in January 2016. Later that year it broadened the mandate of its Asia ex-Japan Equity...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: Two myths about emerging market equities

By Graeme Shaw on 15 Jun 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

At the end of 2015, emerging market (EM) shares had meaningfully underperformed developed market (DM) shares over the previous five years...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Consumption trends in emerging markets: Opportunities and pitfalls

By Duncan Artus and Tamryn Lamb on 23 Nov 2015

Reading time: 4 mins

Looking to capitalise on the rise of the emerging market consumer? Beware of the potential pitfalls .

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Finding value in global markets

By Seema Dala on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 10 mins

Emerging markets have come under intense focus so far this year and while the main worries have centred on countries such as Argentina and Turkey, the market...


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